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The Global Learning Center wuuld like to thank the following sponsors for their ongoing support:

Karg Art

Karg Art has been very helpful and generous with discounts for the gifts that we have bought for our UN Speakers each year.

The Muse Café has offered its VIP room, special menu and excellent service, when we entertain ou UN Speakers each year.

Piccadilly Market & Grill (and the Olive Tree Banquet Hall prior to 2010) has a long history of supporting the GLC with discounted meals for our monthly events, and the annual UN Anniversary Banquet.

Wichita State University Foundation, via various departments, has provided tables for students to attend the UN banquet each year.

Watermarks Books and Café provide an excellent meeting place for our monthly board meetings, free of charge.




Global Learning Center, Inc.
Wichita State University Campus Box 52
Wichita, KS 67260


The Global Learning Center of Wichita, Kansas, is a 501c3 Non-profit community organization, incorporated on April 20, 1988.

EIN 48-1058052

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